Allband’s 2017 Virtual Buck Pole Winner Is…
Tony K! Tony harvested his 10 pt buck in Alcona County. The winner was chosen based on the quality of the buck, picture quality and the number of facebook likes. Tony and his family hunt at their cabin in Alcona County and his prize is a brand new trail camera to use for future hunts.
Our 2017 Buck Pole Contest had a total of 10 participants. The bucks entered this year were harvested in Oscoda, Alcona, Alpena and Presque Isle Counties. The contest is open to Oscoda, Alcona, Alpena, Presque Isle, Montmorency and Iosco Counties, but we had no representation from Montmorency or Iosco!
All of our entries can be found on our ACEWR facebook page. Be sure to like and follow
The biggest buck in the contest was 10 points and harvested in Alcona County. Although the biggest buck doesn’t necessarily declare a winner, this year it happened to be the case. The winner is decided upon a few factors including: points, width, brow tines, Facebook likes and quality of photo.
Thank you to all our participants in Allband’s 2017 Virtual Buck Pole Contest and we look forward to next year’s hunting season!