Tony K! Tony harvested his 10 pt buck in Alcona County. The winner was chosen based on the quality of the buck, picture quality and the number of facebook likes. Tony and his family hunt at their cabin in Alcona County and his prize is a brand new trail camera to use for future hunts.
Our 2017 Buck Pole Contest had a total of 10 participants. The bucks entered this year were harvested in Oscoda, Alcona, Alpena and Presque Isle Counties. The contest is open to Oscoda, Alcona, Alpena, Presque Isle, Montmorency and Iosco Counties, but we had no representation from Montmorency or Iosco!
All of our entries can be found on our ACEWR facebook page. Be sure to like and follow
The biggest buck in the contest was 10 points and harvested in Alcona County. Although the biggest buck doesn’t necessarily declare a winner, this year it happened to be the case. The winner is decided upon a few factors including: points, width, brow tines, Facebook likes and quality of photo.
Thank you to all our participants in Allband’s 2017 Virtual Buck Pole Contest and we look forward to next year’s hunting season! 19:26:432024-02-06 17:47:352017 BUCK POLE WINNER
Bovine tuberculosis is an emerging disease that affects Michigan’s deer heard and other wildlife species and livestock. The infectious bacterial disease can occur in the lungs, intestines and other parts of the body. It is caused by certain bacteria that attack the respiratory system and causes gradual debilitation, depression and intolerance to exercise.
A total of 2,949 white-tailed deer have been tested in Alcona, Alpena, Montmorency and Oscoda counties. This 4-county area returned 8 TB positive deer! This area has become known as DMU 487. Michigan has become world-renowned after years of studying and testing for its research and expertise on managing this disease.
The Michigan DNR recently announced a January hunt to help with bovine TB management. This antler-less deer hunt will take place on private land on Alpena County (south of M-32) from Jan 4 – 7 and Jan 11 – 14, 2018.
The purpose of increasing the antler-less deer harvest is to improve the habitat of the heavily populated bovine TB area. Improving that habitat means improving overall deer fitness and better antler production, according to Chad Stewart, DNR deer and elk specialist.
Landowners can receive up to $7.50 per acre for allowing hunting on their land during this hunt. All rules and regulations for firearm deer season apply to this hunt.
DNR check stations are accepting donations from any hunters that wish to donate their deer. These donated deer are processed free of charge and distributed to local food banks!
Michigan’s citizens are at risk and it is important to maintain close attention to the meat inspection and pasteurization processes. Proper food handling and good management practices will lower the chance of bovine TB transmission from animals to humans.
There are no effective vaccines or medications for treating bovine TB in wild deer, meaning it is vital to continue surveying, examining and attempting deer management strategies to eradicate the disease.
ACEWR held a meeting in September to gather individuals with a common interest: protecting and improving our Northeast Michigan region.
Allband Communications Service Area
Allband Center for Education, Wildlife & Research (ACEWR) is a nonprofit organization with a focus on bringing innovative technological approaches to rural community issues. ACEWR was created to find solutions to utilize the high-speed Internet infrastructure to make our community better. One avenue is combining natural resource initiatives with 21st century technology to find innovative solutions to protecting our environment and enhancing research to improve our wildlife.
ACEWR hosted a wildlife & habitat management meeting at Allband’s home office in Curran, Michigan last month. The discussion included Anna Metterling from the MUCC (Michigan Wildlife Cooperatives), Northeast Michigan QDMA branch and Mike Adams from Up North Journal. The foundational meeting opened up the forum for local camps, land-owners, hunt clubs and associations by presenting issues and opportunities to work together as a cooperative.
A cooperative gives a vehicle for like-minded individuals to collaborate on a big common interest: caring for and improving our land. A cooperative of local camps can create a game plan for issues including improving deer hunting, logging, food plots, deer surveys, buck-to-doe ratios, bovine TB, chronic wasting disease, oak wilt and working against invasive species. Working together and sharing information can clear up misconceptions, break down boundaries and open doors to opportunity and improvement.
The complete video of the meeting was broadcasted live on Facebook and can be found at or on our YouTube channel. Videos are titled “Wildlife & Habitat Management Meeting Part 1” and “Wildlife & Habitat Management Meeting Part 2.”
ACEWR is looking for opportunities to collaborate on research projects, build research platforms and use cutting edge technology to gather data and bring knowledge to the forefront. The non-profit has unlimited resources and services available in rural Northeast Michigan including facilities, equipment, real time video data streaming, security systems, mobile access and solar options. Together with land-owners, education institutions, government, other non-profit groups, farms and even private businesses, ACEWR can leverage technology to do more.
If you are interested in collaborating your ideas and expertise with ACEWR’s technology and resources, call ACEWR at: 989.369.9ACE.
Last week the Michigan DNR announced another deer may test positive for chronic wasting disease. The sample was sent to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Veterinary Services Laboratory in Ames, Iowa.
“The fact that we already have another positive deer within Montcalm County is of major concern,” said Dr. Kelly Straka, DNR state wildlife veterinarian. “We strongly recommend hunters who harvest deer in Montcalm County have their deer tested. Deer with CWD can look perfectly healthy even though they are infected.”
Chronic wasting disease has been found in 10 cases so far. The DNR has tested over 15,000 deer. This disease is a fatal neurological disease caused by the transmission of infectious proteins contained in saliva and other bodily fluids of infected animals. It can be spread through direct exposure and from carcasses of diseased animals.
Abnormal behavior, weight loss and physical debilitation are side effects that result from CWD, however deer can also go many years without showing symptoms. Chronic wasting disease does not have a cure, and once infected, the deer die.
Please be sure to get your deer checked! Maple Valley, Pine, Douglass, Montcalm, Sidney, Eureka, and Fairplain townships in Montcalm County; and Spencer and Oakfield townships in Kent County area will have mandatory deer check starting November 15th.
ACEWR is here to address these problems and find solutions. Hosting research, building testing centers and working together with land owners are pieces to ending CWD and other diseases that effect our herd. Together we can create a better habitat and protect our wildlife. For more information on how you can get involved, please fill out our ACEWR Interest form or call us today: 989.369.9223.
Allband Center for Education, Wildlife & Research (ACEWR) is giving away a Remington hunting rifle! In fact, there are 2 ways to enter your name into the raffle and WIN.
ACEWR recently hosted a wildlife & habitat management meeting. The discussion included ways hunt clubs, associations and landowners in the area can work together. Working together to find strategic solutions will make our Northeastern Michigan region better and improve hunting. The Wildlife & Habitat Management Meeting is posted live on our facebook page.
To enter the raffle:
FACEBOOK – Comment on our LIVE VIDEO of the Wildlife & Habitat Management Meeting Part 1 or Part 2 on our facebook page. Commenting on the video will enter your name into the rifle giveaway. Find the video here: LIVE VIDEO and don’t forget to LIKE and SHARE our facebook page HERE.
INTEREST FORM – Fill out our ACEWR INTEREST FORM and submit it for another entry into the drawing. The interest form is an opportunity for you to tell us what areas of interest concern you and what questions you might have. Find the interest form HERE.
ACEWR is utilizing Allband’s thousands of acres of coverage and over 400 miles of fiber to help the environment in new ways. The technological infrastructure in rural Northeast Michigan creates a rare opportunity for ACEWR to bring create solutions to rural community issues.
Thank you for watching our Wildlife & Habitat Management Meeting and entering to win the rifle! Please engage on our facebook page and continue to be a part of the movement to create a better environment.
Don’t forget to check into our Facebook page on November 1st to watch to drawing of the rifle!
Are you sick and tired of geese making a mess of your yard? They are so plentiful in Michigan, that many people view geese as pests. But did you know that Canadian geese were once a rare sight in our state? It might be hard to imagine, but in the 1950s the giant Canadian geese were nearly extinct because of unregulated over hunting and wetland habitat loss.
The increase in the Canadian geese population is due to successful wildlife management programs and the adaptability of these birds. Geese are attracted to areas that provide food, water and protection. Urban and suburban areas with neatly manicured lawns nears lakes and ponds area ideal for geese to obtain all the resources they need.
Here are some tips from the DNR on how to keep geese away from your yard:
Make your yard less attractive to geese by allowing the grass to grow long and refrain from fertilizing or watering it.
Use scare tactics like bird-scare balloons, loud noises and mylar tape to make unwanted geese leave the area.
Apply repellents to the lawn to deter geese from feeding on the grass. Grape concentrate is useful for yards and turf.
In June and July, Canada geese are unable to fly because they are molting. Construct a temporary barrier between your yard and the water to keep flightless geese out.
Do not feed Canada geese. Artificial feeding can habituate them as well as harm their digestive system. Bread products are not beneficial to waterfowl survival.
Be aware of your surroundings when visiting parks and areas near water. Canada geese are protective of their nests and hatchlings. Do not disturb them or get too close.
The geese are so adaptable they can live close to humans and get accustom to any scare tactics, so it is best to keep them guessing! Although many find geese annoying, with some patience and understanding we can learn to find the beauty and respect the perseverance of these birds! 18:12:182024-02-06 17:47:38Tips to Avoid Problems With Geese
Allband Communications was recently featured in an article showcasing the story of how Allband got started over 10 years ago in the north woods of Michigan.
The article was published on, an organization that aids broadband movement by providing resources to build broadband networks directly accountable to the communities they serve. They work with communities across the United States to create policies to ensure telecommunications networks serve the community, rather than the community serving the network.
The goal of Allband Communications has always been to improve and serve communities by providing much needed connectivity. It is an honor to be noticed by and featured in a story.
Picture in Spruce, Michigan, courtesy of 07:44:102024-02-06 17:47:40Forging Our Own Way
Wings of Wonder is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to raptor education, raptor rehabilitation and raptor research. Please visit our website to lend your support or learn more. 15:51:322024-02-06 17:47:41Wings of Wonder 13:22:252024-02-06 17:47:42Camera network could offer snapshot of world wildlife