Allband Communications is proud to provide Michigan Relay services through a partnership with the Telecommunications Association of Michigan and Hamilton Relay.

Allband offers the following services for consumers with disabilities:

  • TTY (Text Telephone)
  • VCO (Voice Carry Over)
  • HCO (Hearing Carry Over)
  • DBS (Deaf-Blind Service)
  • STS (Speech-to-Speech)
  • Captioned Telephone (CapTel)
  • Voice

If you have questions or would like information on how to obtain devices that may help with your disability, please call our office at 989-369-9999 or the Michigan Relay Customer Care center at 844-578-6563 (Voice/TTY).

Michigan Relay Information for Consumers with Disabilities (Dial 7-1-1) – PDF
Captioned Telephone Equipment Options (CapTel) – PDF